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Dyeing with Natural Dye Powders

I'm posting a clip (below) from my new virtual Dyeing with Nature Workshop! It took many many, hours and hours, and is full of so much information! It's great for a person who has never done any natural dyeing or someone who has just dabbled. If you have come to my in person classes, filming has allowed me to relay much more information as we don't have the time necessary for me to show you Everything in person. We go into mordanting and modifying much more thoroughly.

A quick overview of the dyeing process using Marigold Dye;

1. Scour

2. Mordant (a more thorough explanation here.) 

(WOF = Weight Of Fiber)

Recommended for protein fibers (silk/wool) 
Aluminum Sulfate 12% WOF
with cream of tartar 6% WOF
At 180*F hold 45min

Recommended for cellulose fibers (cotton/hemp/linen)
At 110*F hold 45min- soak overnight for maximum hold
Immediate bath of 5% WOF Bran/Chalk
Hold 30min do not rinse, go straight to dye bath


3. Create Dye Bath


4. Hold at temperature for 30-60 min, then let sit to cool or overnight.

Marigolds: add alkaline for orangey ton, add iron for green.

5. Rinse well in hot water and synthrapol (or pH balanced soap), wash again in warm water, rinse in cold water.

A naturally dyed piece does best long term when washed in cold water with sensitive soap that is pH balanced and line dried, but out of the sun, to protect from UV light fading it.

(Special thanks to Sayaka of Curious Corners for the blog's picture. She grabbed some marigold dye from me and dyed that lovely top!)

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